I discovered something that I love to do. It happened when I met HIM. :)
According to the internet, this is how you Cuddle.
Put your head on someone's shoulder.
Put your arm around someone's shoulders.
Put your arm around someone's waist.
Kiss someone's forehead.
Hold hands.
Make eye contact.
Hug and Kiss
Men just don't understand that us women loves to cuddle. My question is, why do we actually love cuddling?
I learned in our biology class that the act of cuddling releases a hormone called oxytocin (cuddling hormone). This hormone plays a huge role in pair bonding which means it makes the cuddling couple feel closer and more intimate. A woman loves to cuddle because she wants to create this pair bond in order to get the man to commit to her. On the other hand, I think men are worried to appear vulnerable. :/
One health benefit of cuddling according to Connors is that this can help to reduce blood pressure, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. According to Dr. Horowitz, cuddling can also release endorphins, the chemical released after a good workout or when you eat chocolate.
In other words, it feels pretty damn good.
I'm not an expressive person especially when it comes to words. That's why I love cuddling. It's my way of saying "I love you", "I'm sorry", "I miss you" etc,. And I know my boyfriend felt that.
I love cuddling. I don't know about him. :) Before, cuddling is not really our thing, but whenever we're together, it happens naturally. <3
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